13 Best Twitter Accounts To Learn About Marketing

I am a firm believer in learning by doing and practising what you preach kinda guy. So why would I want to know about marketing by reading a book?

There are some great Twitter accounts out there and here are 15 awesome accounts you can learn a thing or two from. How many times have you read an article from someone and they don’t do the same thing themselves? Countless times. So instead of reading an article about improving your Twitter feed why don’t you learn from their Twitter feeds.

Shall we just jump into it?




4.We Are Sparkle

5.Thrive Marketing

6.Social Media Today


8. Social Media Examiner

9.Rebekah Radice

10. Gary Vaynerchuk

11. Guy Kawasaki

12. Rand Fishkin

13. Convince & Convert


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