5 Ways to Choose a Business Idea

If you want to start a business but don’t have an idea yet, we’ve got some tips that, hopefully, will inspire you to come up with one!

Flipchart Sessions: Creating a Good Planning Habit

Writing a to-do list as long as your arm or scribbling something on the back of an envelope can make you feel like you’re saving time as you’re planning. However, not every plan is an effective plan.

Planning and managing your time effectively can be difficult skills to learn. In this video, Carol shows how to create good planning habits and how they can improve your productivity.

Ready to ramp up your growth and development?

Our training makes sure you, your team, and your business are ready for serious growth and development. By learning and applying NEW business growth strategies (like mastering the tender & bid process, sales cycles, and customer journey optimisation) you’ll leave with a clear plan and the skill to confidently achieve everything you’re planning.