We all have our own sales patter but it wouldn’t hurt to increase your sales conversion rate would it? These are simple techniques that you can use that really do work.
Understanding Your Sales Value
Take a look at you and your competitor and how much overlap there is? By overlap I mean what do you and your competitor provide that is the same or similar. Odds on your overlap is going to be high. Instead of focusing on this overlap, you should focus on what you can do that your competitor cannot – this is more commonly known as your “value wedge”. This is something that is unique to your business and separates you from the rest of the pack.
Educate To Build trust
For anyone to make a purchase they need to trust in what they are buying. This works for both B2B (Business to Business) and B2C (Business to Customer). A great way to develop and build trust is by educating your customers/consumers.
You can convey your knowledge and experience to your audience through your blog or premium content offers or via webinars. This helps to educate your potential customers on what your business does and how they help you. Instead of going for the hard sell right away, nurture them through education which gives them the power to make their own decisions. On your website, you can advertise your services and special offers on your blog for when your lead is ready they can act on the advert.
How Does This Benefit Me?
Your services are designed and made to fix or solve a problem. If you add a new feature to your services think about how this will help your customers? Think about where your customer is coming from and how they are benefitting from your product or service. Doing this will improve customer relations and sales increase.