How to post & manage your Facebook Group as your Page

Table of Contents

You can now manage your Facebook Group ‘as’ a Page (as your brand)

Facebook recently announced that you can now connect your Facebook Page to your Facebook Group to manage your online community as a Page (brand). This is a very exciting change as many businesses owners don’t want to have their own personal Facebook account used to manage a community.

Your options up until now (assuming that you don’t want to use your own personal account) have been to create a ‘fake’ account (which of course breaches Facebook’s Terms & Conditions, and risks being shutdown), but now you can link your Groups to your Page (to give some additional exposure to them) and additionally, you can manage (Like, Comment and Post) as your Page – giving you that end-to-end branding that you have probably been longing for.

Is it wrong to post in a Group as an individual?

Absolutely not. I interact with the Flippin’ Good Business Support Group all the time, and I do so as me (my own ‘James Lane’ account). But there can often be times where staff from a company may not want to use their own personal account to do this. It largely comes down to a branding decision (what’s appropriate for your business) and what your team are comfortable with.

How do I connect my Group and Page together?

I made this quick demo/guide using a test Page I created to show you how it’s done, and what it will look like once you’ve done it. Check it out below –