How To Improve Your Confidence as an Entrepreneur

At some point in our lives, we have questioned whether we are doing enough, making enough money, or if we are going to be “successful” enough and that’s scary as an entrepreneur.
Has the Great British Bake Off Inspired you?
Yes, it’s that time of the year where the country goes cake baking mad. The Great British Bake Off is back! Has it really inspired you?
Survival Guide: The Office In Summer
Are you watching your friends spending sunny days outside while you’re stuck in the office? We’ll help you survive without being jealous!
6 BS Facts About Time Management Everyone Thinks Are True
Have a look at these facts about time management. Are you one of those people who still believe they’re true?
Finalist for the Great British Entrepreneur Awards
I am really, really proud to tell everyone, that I have been shortlisted as a finalist for the Great British Entrepreneur Awards.
What are you staring at?
It’s good to be rude and stare unforgivably at yourself, your business and its proposition every now and again.
Teesside is a Great Innovator
Oxfordshire has the most innovative economy in Britain, while areas such as Merseyside and Teesside outperform London and Manchester, according to the first “innovation map” of the UK.
Business Lessons I learnt from being skint!!
Do you want to know why running out of money makes you a better entrepreneur? Read this article to find out!
I live in constant fear when running a business, do you?

I was asked recently whether there was some magic pill that I take that helps me get up and keep fighting the entrepreneurial good fight every day at Enterprise Made […]
Lessons I’ve learnt through running EMS and Enterprise Revolution
While it may sound poetic, Enterprise Made Simple was not born in a flash of inspiration. Rather it emerged from my desperate attempts of avoiding redundancy and working using Enterprise as a force for change.