The one thing you’re doing wrong with your customer reviews

Collecting reviews is so important as it creates ‘social proof’ – this is critical to growing our business online, being found and helping us reach our digital marketing goals, because it shows our would-be customer what other people think about us. So, assuming that you are collecting reviews, there’s one thing that I see loads of companies doing, and it’s a huge missed opportunity.

Generate more website traffic using these advert tricks

Using website adverts like Google Ads are a great way of generating traffic for your website. But how can we guarantee a high click-through rate? Well, you can’t guarantee it however there are a few little tricks you can do to increase your click-through rate on your adverts.

How to remember what you’re saying…

We’ve all been there. We’ve planned our video, we know our content and we hit that record button and our brain leaves the building. So how do you remember what you’re saying when recording a video? Here are a few tips for you.

Get free stunning photos to use on your website

You can be in any industry and photography will play a big part of it. In fact, visual imagery is 40X more likely to get shared on social media than other types of content but you don’t want to stick to the tasteless stock photos. I’ve compiled a list of great stock photos that are free to use and great photos.

Can a Facebook Page join a Facebook Group?

Want to join a Facebook Group as your Facebook Page (business)? Well, you can! In a recent change, you can now enable this feature on your Group and take advantage of it with your Page.

Is ProfileMaggedon a real thing?

Have you heard about Facebook purging people’s Facebook Profile? Well sure, they are – but it may not be the worrying thing you think it is (you know, unless you’ve been doing something you shouldn’t have been). We take a look at who are affected, and why.

What does Hootsuite’s AutoSchedule do?

The Hootsuite AutoScheduler helps you schedule your social media posts in a way that may help you reach more people than just choosing the time manually. Check out this guide that shows you how and why you should be using it.

How to request and give recommendations on LinkedIn

Recommendations on LinkedIn can be exceptionally powerful as a form of social proof – to show others an impartial view of what you’ve achieved and/or what you’re capable of achieving. In this video tutorial, we’ll show you how to request a LinkedIn recommendation from your clients or customers, and also how to send one to someone you’ve worked with.