3 Graphic Design Tools to Make Social Media Content
Creating social media content doesn’t have to be hard! Use these 3 graphics design tools to make social media content.
Nick shares his favourite tools you can use including one that you might even be using right now to watch this video!
Running a Christmas Competition on Social Media
Are you thinking of running a competition on your social media?
Competitions are a fantastic way to increase engagement with your content and your brand in general.
However, there are some things you need to think about before giving it a go! In this video, Adam explains how to prepare and gives useful tips on how to succeed!
Flipchart Sessions: Christmas Challenge
We want to invite you to join our Christmas Challenge!
Taking a break when you have a business to take care of can be difficult. But Nick has three tasks for you that will help you relax and have stress-free Christmas!
Flipchart Sessions: Tips for the Recruitment Process
Remember, when you’re hiring someone new, you don’t need another you!
Watch to learn how bringing different genders, ages and cultures can benefit your business.
Flipchart Sessions: Reviewing Your Customers
There are three types of customers – the good, the bad and the ugly. The ones that you love, the ones that might need some extra attention to be happy and the ones that always complain, no matter how much time and effort you put in trying to please them.
In this video, Carol explains why you should focus on the good ones and how to find more of them.
What You Should Prepare for When Recruiting
In this session, learn how to prepare and how it will help you choose the best people as well as save money and time.
Flipchart Sessions: What’s Stopping You?
We all have those days when something stops us from doing something important.
In this video, Carol explains the most common reasons people procrastinate and how to overcome them.
Flipchart Sessions: Planning Your Day
Do you want to know how you can maximise your potential and work while you sleep?
Watch this video to learn Carol’s biggest tip about maximising your efficiency as well as how to identify when you’re the most productive and how to plan your workload according to that.
Flipchart Sessions: Creating a Good Planning Habit
Writing a to-do list as long as your arm or scribbling something on the back of an envelope can make you feel like you’re saving time as you’re planning. However, not every plan is an effective plan.
Planning and managing your time effectively can be difficult skills to learn. In this video, Carol shows how to create good planning habits and how they can improve your productivity.
Flipchart Sessions: When Should You Outsource?
When running a business, you don’t have to do everything by yourself. There are lots of different things you can outsource within the business.
It takes away the stress, saves time and lets you focus on other things you do best.