We have been crunching those numbers again
Looking through some of the statistics we have achieved, we think there are some impressive stats we should be shouting about.
My names Phil and I’m a Procrastinator
Nothing is so draining and stressful as the eternal presence of an unfinished task. So why do we procrastinate and how to change that?
Eight tips and tricks to start your business growth today
Learn how to avoid losing your existing customers, attract new ones and how you can start growing your business today!
How enterprise support can encourage communities to thrive
In the last three years, 3,248 businesses launched or were supported in the Tees Valley and wider North East with the support of Enterprise Revolution and Enterprise Made Simple.
We have some amazing news
We have the best news ever!!
After lots of hard work we have just been informed that we have had our Level 3 qualification approved by the Government.
Steely Teessider’s needed
I write this blog because Teesside looks like it’s facing the reality of the Steelmaking industry in our local area disappearing altogether.
Finalist for the Great British Entrepreneur Awards
I am really, really proud to tell everyone, that I have been shortlisted as a finalist for the Great British Entrepreneur Awards.
What are you staring at?
It’s good to be rude and stare unforgivably at yourself, your business and its proposition every now and again.
Teesside is a Great Innovator
Oxfordshire has the most innovative economy in Britain, while areas such as Merseyside and Teesside outperform London and Manchester, according to the first “innovation map” of the UK.
Business Lessons I learnt from being skint!!
Do you want to know why running out of money makes you a better entrepreneur? Read this article to find out!