In this day and age who doesn’t have at least one of the following; website, email address, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. You can’t can you? In this modern world, you will struggle if you can’t adapt to being on digital platforms, for example, having a website and promoting your business through social media.
It’s one thing to being on social media and it’s another thing to being able to use social media for your business. Why have a social media account and not use it to market to your customers, your target market audiences and engage with your community? This is why we have created Digital Hype!
Digital Hype is an NCFE Level 2 Award in Digital Promotion for Business.
As someone owning or working in a Small or Medium Enterprise, this qualification will allow you to start and progress your journey. This is a practical, not theory-based course, so you can work using the business you are involved with to ensure you can reach more of the right people and spend less doing it.
What Does This Digital Course Include?
Our digital trainers are experts in digital skills and tools. We have built this interactive workshop to give you the ability to understand how key social media platforms work, how to get the most from them and how to create promotional content that is the right fit for your business.
Understanding social media
- Identifying the key points between different platforms and which is best for you; Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, etc.
- Segmenting your audience based on relevant characteristics
- Explore ideas to create an online identity for an intended audience
Producing digital promotional content for business
- What’s the right topic for your digital content
- How should you be hosting that content
- Keys to creating great content
- Understanding whether your campaign has worked
Measuring the effectiveness of digital promotion activity for business
- Understanding analytics
- Applying what you have learned to your next campaign
Digital Hype is a qualification that has been designed to give you the necessary skills to effectively promote your business in the digital world. Whether you’re local or have the whole world as your audience, digital promotion can help boost your business through the selection of your target audience and delivery of effective and engaging content.
As a part of this programme, you will be shown the process for measuring the effectiveness of digital content that you created to market your business. With these combined skills you will be able to; decide which the right digital platforms are for you, how to create the best content and how to see what works well and build on that so you can get the best results from your business.
Ideally, you should bring a laptop with you so you can create content and practice the skills during the sessions. This is a non-residential weekend course. It is however delivered in a lovely venue and has the most amazing food included throughout.
Who Can Get This Course Fully Funded?
- SME business based in the Tees Valley (SME businesses are those that employ less than 249 employees)
- Owners, managers or employees of that business
- Previous attendees of the funded Going for Growth programme through Enterprise Made Simple.